Envisioning Your Third Act


When it comes to selling a company, most business owners zero in on preparing their business for sale and crafting a robust post-exit financial plan. However, personal readiness often gets overlooked, even though it’s just as critical—if not more so—than financial and business preparation.

How about you? Have you given thought to life after business ownership?

Contemplate the Following Aspects of Exit Readiness:

Family & Friends

How will your exit affect your relationships? Discuss your plans with your loved ones to ensure they understand and support your decision. Their involvement can provide a solid foundation during this transition.

Purpose & Identity

For many entrepreneurs, their business is a core part of their identity. How will leaving the business affect your self-worth? What will be your purpose post-exit? Consider ways to redefine yourself outside of your role as a business owner.

Spiritual Values

Your spiritual or religious beliefs may influence your transition. Do your values align with your decision to exit and how can they guide you through this change?


Both mental and physical health are crucial, especially as we age. Evaluate your health status and consider how leaving your business might impact it. Will you have more time for self-care, or might the transition be stressful?

Personal Fulfillment

When building a business is no longer your main focus, how will you spend your newfound free time? Simply retiring won’t be enough. Engaging in hobbies and activities you enjoy will provide fulfillment and help you adjust to life after business ownership.

Find Your Purpose & Bring Your Vision to Life With Exit Readiness Coaching!

Start by Taking the Free PREScore™ Questionnaire:

The Personal Readiness to Exit Score (PREScore) is a free online questionnaire. It evaluates your readiness to sell your company on a personal level and will prepare you to exit your business with no regrets.

Recent data shows that even the most successful entrepreneurs struggle with one common problem: the regret of how they handled leaving their company. Are you ready for what should be the happiest day of your life? Find out by clicking the link below and taking the PREScore™ questionnaire.
For more information about how the PREScore works, click here.

Next, Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

Ready to take the next step in your exit journey? Click the button below to book a convenient date and time for your complimentary session with Karin Lehmann, our exit readiness coach. During your appointment, Karin will review your PREScore™ questionnaire and discuss the next steps tailored to your needs.